Friday, 20 May 2016



Simply it is raise in fasting blood glucose level caused by relative or absolute deficiency of insulin.
Insulin is produced by PANCREAS in the body and it helps to transport glucose from the blood into the cells.GLUCOSE is the simple form of sugar which is obtained from diet and supply energy  by undergoing breakdown into ATP in the liver.
There are two types of diabetes TYPE 1 and TYPE 2
TYPE 1 is also called insulin dependent diabetes,which means that insulin is required to treat this disease so there is general not specific care through diet and exercise.
TYPE 2 is also called non insulin dependent can be treated through diet,exercise,oral drugs.This type can be treated through diet and exercise,following discussion is on this type of diabetes.

why it is so alarming condition

Nearly 26 million people of UNITED STATES have diabetes,approximately 7 million are still not diagnosed. Diabetes can leads to
  • Blindness
  • Amputation or cutting of a body part
  • Kidney failure
  • Nerve damage
  • Heart attacks
  • Stroke
  • Fatty liver
  • Coma


Obesity and sedentary life styles are the main risk factors leading to diabetes.
OBESITY results in increase insulin resistance which is decreased ability of the tissues such as liver,fat cell,muscle to respond to the normal levels of insulin.In obese persons blood glucose levels are maintained by increased amount of insulin nearly two to three times than normal amount of insulin.
This gradually leads to resistance in obese persons and can impare the ability of cells of pancreas to secrete adequate amount of insulin so deficiency of insulin also results from obesity.
Sedentary life styles without any physical activity leads to weight gain and obesity which in turn cause diabetes as described above.
Eating to much simple carbohydrates like simple sugar,white rice,sweets,wheat,canned fruit juices and soft drinks.All of these things spike insulin levels as they get access in body causing increased insulin in the blood as a result eventually can leads to insulin resistance and deficiency of insulin,the major cause of diabetes.


Long standing case of diabetes can cause decrease insulin secretion from the pancreas which leads to
  1. Decrease insulin levels results in increased blood glucose which is not taken up by the muscles and fat cell so recovery of muscle is compromised after some physical work.
  2. Burn protein in your muscle to get energy as a result there is decrease in muscle size.
  3. Decrease protein synthesis from the amino acids obtained through diet and breakdown the amino acids to get energy.
  4. Cause breakdown of fat in the body so increase in the fatty acid in the body which can leads to ketoacidosis which is excess of ketone bodies in the body and it can leads to coma.
  5. Muscles fatigued easily and there is weakness and wasting of the muscles.
  6. Can leads to dehydration of the body



Carbohydrates are the macronutirents that when broken down in the body gives glucose which is the source of energy.Food that contain carbohydrates increase the blood glucose level mostly.Simple and refined carbohydrates such as white bread,white rice and sweets spike the blood glucose levels and therefore demanding more insulin from the pancreas.Overtime this excess stress on pancreas can cause it to burn making it difficult to maintain the blood glucose level and as a result there is high blood glucose level.
These carbohydrates are slow to digest due to large amout of fiber in them.They don't spike the insulin levels in the body and are less demaging than simple carbs.They are also used for weight loss for example oatmeal,whole wheat bread,brown rice,legumes,beans and sweet potatoes.
Quantity of carbohydrates is as important as which carbohydrates you choose to eat
Commonly 45 to 60 grams of carbs per meal and 15 to 60 grams of carbs per snack.


Take moderate amount of protein daily to avoid your muscle breakdown and weakness.Because proteins are the structural and functional unit of the body for example add egg whites,chicken,red beans,lentils and fish in your diet.
Also taking protein with carbohydrates slow the digestion of carbohydrates so that they cannot spike the insulin level.consume 1 gram of protein per body weight in gram.


Some fats can raise the blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes these fats are called saturated fats and trans fats and sould be limited as much as possible source of these bad saturated fats are butter,red meat,cheese and whole milk.
Trans fat is found in margarine and fast food.
Consume healthy fat which is good for your heart and brain for example Olive oil,peanut butter,almonds and chia seeds.


Add fibers to your diet by eating fruits and vegetables because they slow the digestion as a result insulin is not secreted in bulk quantity,they are also involved in lowering the cholesterol and also useful in weight loss.


Most people with diabetes are suffering from problems of high blood pressure which is a leading cause of heart disease so they should have a check on their salt intake.
Some example of high sodium foods are 
  • Noodles
  • Canned soaps
  • Salad dressing
  • Some cereals


Exercising muscles allow the entry of glucose even in the absence of insulin and lower the increased blood glucose level.improve the body ability to use insulin.


It is the most easiest and effective exercise for the type 2 diabetics.All you need is a pair of shoes and somewhere to go.
  1. Brisk walking is an aerobic exercise it will accelerate your heart rate which is beneficial for heart strength and prevent the risk of stroke.Stroke Association says that a brisk walk for 30 days help to prevent and control the high blood pressure that causes the stroke,reducing the risk up to 27 percent.
  2. It will give strength to bones and ligaments.
  3. elevate your mode.
  4. Increase oxygen supply to the whole body organs especially brain,promoting brain health


What can i say about benefits of weight training everyone is well aware of it.In diabetes the importance of weight loss lies in the fact that muscle loss occur in the diabetes which can be compensate by building muscle mass through effective diet and weight training.
Also weight training reduce the blood glucose level by allowing entry of glucose without insulin.
Add wight training to your schedule 3 or 4 times a week and spare at least 2 days for rest.
Do less reps with increase weight to built your muscles.Workout for 45 to 60 min with 1 to 1.5 min rest between sets.

NOTE: DO NOT WORKOUT IF YOU HAVE TYPE 1 DIABETES because your blood glucose level is already around 250mg/dl and increase ketone bodies in your urine indicating that there is no insulin in the body you are going to burn your fat to supply energy for your workout.lower your blood glucose level by insulin therapy then exercise otherwise increase ketone bodies can leads to coma


Do cardio three times a week,Importance of cardio are given below
  1. It promotes water and salt loss from the body by sweating so it prevent body from bloating
  2. It burn fat and provides energy to the body
  3. It increase the strength of heart so prevent from many different heart problems 
  4. It prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels which lead to heart attack
  5. Increase the stamina and endurance of the body
  6. Increase the oxygen supply to the body.

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