CONJUGATE LENOLEIC ACID is a conjugated form of linoleic acid which is obtained from safflower,cottonseed oil,egg yolk,peanut oil,corn oil and soyabean oil.linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fat which is a essential fatty acid and cannot be synthesized in the body so it must be obtained from diet.
OMEGA-6 is the principle substance present in the CLA which have a long list of functions
- It decrease the level of cholesterol in the body so it is helpful in protection against heart attack because cholesterol can block the blood vessels by depositing in them
- Consuming CLA prevent the fatty liver which is increased deposition of fat on the liver.
- It is the best fat loss supplement available in market because it is whole natural without any side effect being a medical student i recommend it for fat loss because it only targets your fat in the body and it cause no danger to the rest of the body tissues
- CLA is necessary in the diet for the proper vision
- CLA is also important for your reproductive organs like testes and ovary because they contain a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acid
- It is also involved in lean mass gain
It is present in egg yolk,meat,diary products like milk,butter and cheese.these sources contain very little amount of CLA and most important these things also contain saturated fatty acid which is bad fatty acid.
A lot of companies in USA are synthesizing it.This supplement is necessary for those who wants to loose fat and built lean mass,in addition there are other benefits of this supplement as listed above
It is most important thing that you consume any supplement on its proper time then these show their magic otherwise you are wasting your money and most importantly your time
Take one serving after breakfast and one before going to bed.
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